“CDC Data Shows Coronavirus Survival Rate: 99%-Plus for Ages 69 and Younger, 94.6% for Older”

Image: http://www.quotesgram.com

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” George Orwell

“Anyone who believes anything the US government says is gullible beyond the meaning of the word.” –Paul Craig Roberts2014

“The only thing viler than tyrants are their lackeys.”
― Marty Rubin


Quote from the following article:

…for people 69 years old or younger, the survival rate is between 99.5 percent and 99.997 percent, while for those 70 or older, it is an estimated 94.6 percent.

Breitbart News gleaned the survival rate figures from the CDC’s IFR estimates: 0-19 years old, 0.003 percent; 20-49 years old, 0.02 percent; 50-69 years, 0.5 percent; 70 years old or older, 5.4 percent…

Care to explain this away, little sheep to the slaughter? This is your own Center for Disease Control (the CDC) basically admitting, after six months of unnecessary hell for we the individuals, that THERE IS NO PANDEMIC, THERE NEVER WAS!

And during this time of NO PANDEMIC, the corporate-pigs, and their inbred-vermin owners, were raking in over a trillion bucks, while the rest of us were thrown a $1200.00 or so bone, which was evidently, expected to last us until hell freezes over.

It has been proven, and without any doubt, that CV-19 was just one more coronavirus strain, which had been falsely and criminally blown-up into a plague, by the inbred-liars and their puppets (Gates, Fauci, etc). Or in other words, CV-19 was just one more common-influenza outbreak, and a mild one at that.

And all of you sheep bit on this despotic lie like ravenous flies on a pile of shit. Millions of businesses and lives destroyed over a boldfaced-lie of monstrous proportions, and the most heinous crime ever to be perpetrated on humanity. And all of you sheep to the slaughter helped to keep this heinous lie alive and well. This will be your legacy!

It’s over, little sheep to the slaughter, and it’s your own government agency blowing the whistle on itself and you. So I guess you will have to go back to fearing and hating Russians, or politically-incorrect folk, like me, or whomever or whatever floats your developmentally-arrested snowflake-boat this week:

CDC Data Shows Coronavirus Survival Rate: 99%-Plus for Ages 69 and Younger, 94.6% for Older


The U.S. Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated its estimated Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) parameters to include age-specific data showing the vast majority of people who contract the Chinese coronavirus survives.

CDC’s new IFR estimates broken down by age are part of the agency’s September 10 update to its “COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios.”

Based on the “Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate” for the IFR, Breitbart News confirmed the updated age-specific survival rates: 0-19 years old, 99.997 percent; 20-49 years old, 99.98 percent; 50-69 years, 99.5 percent; and 70 years old or older, 94.6 percent.

That means that for people 69 years old or younger, the survival rate is between 99.5 percent and 99.997 percent, while for those 70 or older, it is an estimated 94.6 percent.

Breitbart News gleaned the survival rate figures from the CDC’s IFR estimates: 0-19 years old, 0.003 percent; 20-49 years old, 0.02 percent; 50-69 years, 0.5 percent; 70 years old or older, 5.4 percent.

Driven by the high rate among seniors age 70 and older, the average of the age-specific IFRs included in the CDC document stands at an estimated 1.5 percent. That is much higher than the seasonal flu’s mortality rate of about 0.1 percent but substantially lower than death rate estimates prior to the nationwide lockdowns intensifying.

Excluding the fatality rate for seniors results in the average IFR dropping to 0.174 percent.

In May, the CDC suggested the overall IFR stood at 0.26 percent, about eight to 15 times lower than earlier mortality rate estimates of two to four percent.

The rest of the article can be found here:

Source: CDC Data Shows Coronavirus Survival Rate: 99%-Plus for Ages 69 and Younger, 94.6% for Older

10 thoughts on ““CDC Data Shows Coronavirus Survival Rate: 99%-Plus for Ages 69 and Younger, 94.6% for Older”

    1. I hear you!

      I am so fed up, so sick of this shit. And I am surrounded by people who refuse to listen to the facts, to truth. They will call this article a ‘conspiracy theory’, and tell me not to ‘overthink’ things. I find myself withdrawing from people I have known for six decades.

      Maybe humanity has run its course, and this is the beginning of the end? I don’t know.

      Thanks for the comment. The “coof” article was excellent, by the way!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Con artists push the fear and urgency buttons to trap their victims. Disturbing that the worlds governments are using the same methods. Looks like they are pushing for 100 percent vaccination. Covid is not measles which needs 95 percent herd immunity. The highest estimate I have seen is 75 per cent to the lowest 20 percent. Given that most people exposed to the virus will experience no or only mild symptoms, what the hell is going on?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are absolutely correct, they are pushing the fear and urgency buttons, just like the con artists they are! And unfortunately, most folks are continuing to buy into the lie.

      What is going on, I’m afraid, is that we are headed for some form of a totalitarian worldwide-order. Agenda 2030 and “The Great Reset” seem to be lurking behind this fake pandemic.

      What is your take on this?

      Thanks for your comment.

      BTW, my screen to show and hit the “like” button has been down for weeks now. WP strikes again. So I like your comment. Not that I am hung up on likes, just FYI!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s nice to get feed back. A one sided conversation gets dull. The Like button hit OK it was the reblog button that was the very devil. There is always a problem with re-blogging against the party line articles. Sheer coincidence, eh? About what’s happening. My guess is the Establishment’s furious backlash against the recent populist votes. Another “coincidence”. The demographics which resist the globalist agenda are the over-fifties, the small independent businesses, and working class. One category accidentally killed off, everybodies limited financial position shattered, total surveillance and control. Back in your hovels peasants. Looks like a techno-feudalism in the making. Cult and brainwashing tactics. Nuff. Gone on too much already.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Not at all. And I agree.

        We are headed for rougher times ahead; this last six months has only been the beginning of “the new normal”, which Americans, up to this point, have been completely immune to. But no more. Americans are about to get a taste of what their government has been perpetrating on humanity, worldwide, since world war two and before.

        And none of us are prepared, including me!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It’s horrible. I read a lot of SF when young, I never expected to be living it. By the way you are right. Your site is a bit odd. Comments appearing and disappearing. Must be the new normal. Now you see it now you don’t.

        Liked by 1 person

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